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A member registered Apr 15, 2020

Recent community posts

This is so fucking good! I just read Ruben's route and I need to play it again choosing different options. I am so obsessed with the story and Ruben definitely stole my heart!

I need more of this IF! Li's route is ❤️❤️❤️. 

I'm looking forward the next chapter! 😍😍😍

OMG this game is wonderful! 10/10! 

Reading, music, drawings ... ♥♥♥

I just finished Mathias's romance (kindness) route and he's so sweet (and he needs a bear hug urgently ^^) 

Greetings from Spain

When I got to the end I thought: Really?  I need more Siruud! I stayed reading until 3 am and today I look like a panda bear.

Thank you so much for your work. I'll look forward to the next chapter ♥

This is one of my three favourites VN! I really enjoyed reading your work. Zero is so cute when he blushes!. I hope a book 2 will comes out in the future because he and MC  have to be dating together 

Thank you so much!

P.D: Sorry for my bad English (it's not my mother tongue)

(1 edit)

This is definitely one of the best visual novels I've ever played. 

My first route was Ernol and I have to say he has touched my heart. I'm playing Duliae route at the moment ;).

Congrats to the creator for such a good job.

Thanks you!

p.d: Have you considered to translate this novel into spanish?  I am sure that the Spanish-speaking community would be very grateful to you (me first)